

Villa rentals in Ibiza

Extraordinary villas & Personal Service

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Extraordinary travel experiences

Our selection

Our selection

Launched over 10 years ago by David and Géraldine Schneuwly in Marrakech, Villanovo today represents a portfolio of 2800 'owner' houses and an in-depth knowledge of each villa and its location.

Prepare your trip

Prepare your trip

Our team of destination specialists is here to assist you in finding the perfect holiday home for you, whether it's for a family getaway, a trip with friends, or with children. We tailor our services to your needs.

Our services

Our services

A dedicated concierge quickly takes over to plan for the perfect, most tailor-made stay and organize your arrival, prepare your home, and offer our finest experiences in your destination.

Recommended destinations

Hand-picked by Villanovo

Personal service to plan your stay

Our concierge is here to help you prepare your villa stay

Our travel books

Our travel books

Because travel is primarily about experiences, exploration, and encounters, Villanovo creates memories for a lifetime by offering complete immersions in selected destinations and providing beautiful travel book.

Personalise your rental

Personalise your rental

Meet Emily, Ines, Mathilde, Simo, Amaya, Véronique... They are the dedicated concierges at Villanovo, committed to meticulously preparing your arrival and ensuring that your stay is the best it can be, making your vacation truly exceptional

Let us show you around

Let us show you around

With the assistance and imagination of our local concierges and the support of longstanding partners, Villanovo offers a range of activities to enhance every stay and create unforgettable experiences to share.

Our guest reviews and ratings

Marrakech - 11 Bedrooms Juergen J. - May 2024

Villa Jacaranda was exceeding our expectations. The staff lead by Mohammed was super friendly and accommodating....

Ibiza - 5 Bedrooms Constance O. - May 2024

The views The pool area The outdoor area Good customer service from Villanovo. Prompt email replies We...

Tuscany - 5 Bedrooms Shannon F. - May 2024

Beautiful property very easy location to main tourist areas. Good amount of space and the outdoor area...


An eco-responsible 

One reservation = one tree planted

A Tree for You operates a tree planting scheme encouraging individuals and companies to support tree planting projects both in France and throughout the world.

Learn more

Our New Villas at Villanovo

Villa Mas Vana, Rental in ProvenceProvence - 4 Bedrooms
May 2024
Villa Maison Solal, Rental in ProvenceProvence - 6 Bedrooms
May 2024
Villa Villa Mora, Rental in MarrakechMarrakech - 4 Bedrooms
April 2024

Villanovo: Luxury villas and personal service
