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Natural spaces in Indonesia

In search of calm and tranquillity, the lakes and rivers of Indonesia are real havens of peace. These little natural corners are filled with incredible treasures and offer views of the horizon.

Beautiful beaches

Indonesia is an archipelago with a treasure of islands galore. From travellers seeking peace and tranquillity to those who love adventure and adrenaline, they will satisfy you all! Imagine the white sand beaches facing azure crystal clear water worthy of the most beautiful postcards where you can relax in the sun, play with family, swim or practice the water sports you have always dreamed of. Among the most beautiful spots in the world, the deep sea will be your playground for diving and snorkelling or to introduce you to surfing, windsurfing or kitesurfing. The richness of the marine fauna and flora is a wonder that leaves you amazed. Full of colour and diverse fish, this tropical destination is a natural masterpiece. Whether in secret coves, on the improbable pink beach of Komodo, on the exotic beaches of the Gili or on those of Bali to the international fame, this country of Southeast Asia is for you!

Beautiful beaches - Indonesia

Majestic volcanoes

The Indonesian archipelago has innumerable volcanoes, the majority of which are still active. Many of these giants are, for the local people, wonders according to ancestral traditions and religious beliefs. Indeed, placed between the plates of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, Indonesia offers unique climbs and sport excursions for incredible discoveries. These natural phenomena remain attractive because of their unusual and unpredictable nature but also because of their particular differences. Near villages or in the heart of an exuberant nature, an ascent to their summit promises dazzling views. Regarded as the highest volcano in Indonesia, Kerinci is the highest point on the island of Sumatra. To reach the top, one must undertake an ascent in the heart of a thick jungle. On the island of Flores stands the most revered volcano of the island, the Kelimutu which, according to ancient legends and religious beliefs, would contain the souls and evil spirits. Its peculiarity is found in particular in the 3 lakes which are at its summit and each has a different colour. To admire one of the most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia, it is East of Java that you must go. The Bromo is sacred to the Tengger people near Cemoro Lawang village and is the favourite spot to admire the sunrise. Moreover, others such as Merapi and Kawa Ijen in Java, Batur in Bali, Rinjani in Lombok will surprise you too. Not to mention, Lake Toba which stands as the largest volcanic lake in the world North of Sumatra.

Majestic volcanoes - Indonesia

Landscapes of rice fields

We can not mention Indonesia without talking about the impressive rice fields, these terraced landscapes in the heart of the islands. Faced with volcanic reliefs, these creations are true works of art in remote corners. Indeed, the archipelago teems with thousands of hectares of cascading green rice fields in which the peasants maintain ancestral manual work. Thanks to an irrigation system, subak, farmers can grow rice, the basis of Indonesian food. They cut the rice covers and beat the dry stems to recover the seeds. The harvest is done several times a year according to irrigation and rites dedicated to Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice. This entity is honoured by statues made of coconut leaves or rice straw and is hung in the fields with bamboo poles in front of the houses. Moreover, this culture is the subject of particular venerations with temples dedicated to it: the temple of Beji in the Sangsit region which is dedicated to the cultivation of irrigated rice or even the Meduwe Karang temple dedicated to dry culture. Among the most famous rice fields, we can name those of Ubud or Jatiluwih, which means "real beauty". These are century-old rice terraces listed as UNESCO Heritage as an emblematic element of traditional rice cultivation in Bali.

Landscapes of rice fields - Indonesia

National parks

Indonesia abounds in national parks where an extraordinary fauna and flora is developing, and it is also home to endemic species that are out of the ordinary. Most of them are considered as UNESCO protected reserves and have a stunning natural heritage. In these natural environments, we find amazing biodiversity with animals in their natural habitat. Notably, in the forests in the centre of Ubud or in the surroundings, it is possible to walk in the alleys near hundreds of monkeys and macaques that evolve freely in the heart of nature. Moreover, in the Tangkoko reserve of Sulawesi, hides a surprising being: one of the smallest primates, the Tarsius tarsier. On the other hand, the archipelago has parks such as Gunung Leuser in Sumatra, Rinjani in Lombok or even Tanjung Puting which contain extraordinary animals such as elephants, tigers and rhinos. In addition, Komodo National Park owes its fame to the species it contains: the Komodo dragons, these big intimidating lizards. All these wonders are to be discovered in the middle of Indonesian nature!

National parks - Indonesia

Grand lakes and rivers

In the heart of volcanoes or lush forests hide havens of peace. Indeed, lakes and rivers are part of Indonesia's natural heritage. In a calm and serene atmosphere, these natural phenomena are places favourable to the discoveries during your excursions, treks or rides by bike. To name but a few, Bedugul Lake in Bali offers a typical mountain lake air and encloses the Ulun Danu Temple, a place of worship to pray to Goddess Danu Hyang. At an altitude of 2,400 metres, Lake Ranu Kumbolo can be found on the slopes of Mount Semeru, which has a refreshing atmosphere. With the reflection of the golden colour of the sun rising in the distance and reflected on the surface of the lake, the places are breathtaking. In the province of Kalimantan, nicknamed the "giant mirror", Lake Labuan is located in the village. It offers a unique view of the Borneo forest with very clear water and wild animals such as wild boars, monkeys or gibbons that roam peacefully in nature. Otherwise, Buyan and Tamblingan twin lakes or even Flores Lake in 3 colours are also unmissable!

Grand lakes and rivers - Indonesia

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