When travelling abroad, it is useful to know a few words and expressions to get out of the few situations, or to integrate and live fully the local culture. As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, it should be noted that there are two predominant languages, Sinhalese and Tamil. Villanovo have listed for you all the sentences that are useful in Sinhala, which is spoken by 80% of the population so that you can understand the Sri Lankan dialect.
Hello - aayu-boan
Goodbye - aavy-bowan
Enjoy your meal! - Oyaagae ahaara vaela rasavaindainana
Yes - owu
No - naha
Please - karuna kara
Thank you - isthu-tee
Excuse me - samah venna
Sorry - kana gaatui
I am allergic - Maṭa āsaātamaikayai
I am vegetarian - mama elavalu vitharai kanne
I understand / I don't understand - Maṭa taeraenavaā / Mata thayrennay nehe
How much is it? - Kyede?
Can you lower the price? - Oba aḍau mailaka haækai?
Do you speak English? - oyaa in-ghirisih kata karenawa da?
Could we have the map? - menoo eka balanna puluvandha?
The bill, please - Maīṭa amatarava, karauṇaākara
I would like to go… - Maṭa yanana kaæmatai...
Aeroplane - Gauvana yaānayaka
Taxi - Taækasai
Where is…? / How do I get to…? - Kaeāhaeda...? / gaænaīmaṭa ākaāraya...?
Bank - Baæṁkau
Hospital - Raeāhalae
Left / Right - Vama / ayaitaiya
1- ekka
2 - dekka
3 - thunna
4 - hathara
5 - paha
6 - haya
7 - hatha
8 - atta
9 - nawaya
10 - dahaya