Wish to travel over the holidays? Still haven’t made reservations? Don’t panic! It is never too late to plan the perfect getaway. At Villanovo we believe that routine can be useful, but life is no fun without a little spontaneity. Deciding to travel somewhere at the last minute and following through with it is exciting. It feels liberating!
Living in the moment
The most important thing to keep in mind is that being spontaneous goes hand-in-hand with not being picky. Of course, there is no need to drop your standards for accommodation or choose a location with unpredictable weather and very little to do. However, chances are if you are booking a last-minute vacation you won’t have as many options as you are accustomed to. This makes for the perfect opportunity to just go with the flow. You might have to pick a destination you know very little about but that just means you are in for unimaginable and new experiences. Simple concentrating on living in the moment, rather than preconceived moments that only live in your mind, will make you feel young and carefree.
Avoid burnout
One of the most difficult parts of packing up and going on vacation at the last minute is finding the time. Aside from cost, time is probably what holds most people back from enjoying life. It is probably the reason why you are sitting at home reading this article rather than enjoying an al-fresco meal in a beautiful villa off the coast of Algarve. It may seem hard to justify going on a vacation when you only have a few days off. Do it anyway. Even a short change of pace can make a huge difference. It will leave you feeling refreshed. You will even be more productive when you get back to your regular routine.
Leave all the excitement for the trip
You usually plan your holidays months in advance? Find yourself stressed out? Planning out a vacation can definitely feel overwhelming at times. You need to make restaurant reservations, create the perfect schedule that allows you to hit all the “best” attractions, book transportation, etc. Tons of pressure to make your vacation perfect can end up backfiring on you. A trip planned at the very last minute does not hold the same expectations as a trip that has been in the works for months. This is actually a great thing! When your schedule is flexible, you are not rushing around. Instead, you are making great memories exploring a hidden street, chatting with the locals or sipping wine on the beach with your significant other. Learn to enjoy the downtime, which is after all the reason you went on vacation in the first place.