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What's the Rio Carnaval all about?

Written on : 11 February 2021
By : Steve Dunne
What's the Rio Carnaval all about?

While the first Rio Carnival festival was held in 1840, this year the Rio Carnival is cancelled and should have taken place next week. Let's go back over the course of this celebration.
Every year, these festivities bring hundreds of thousands of people to the parade and attract millions of tourists. The date of this event is set in relation to the date of Easter.
The carnival brings together a dozen samba schools which parade one after the other according to a precise calendar and theme. For several days, starting at night, music and dance overflow the streets of Rio de Janeiro.
The parades that attract the most people are those that bring together the best schools, the Grupo Especial (Special Group). They are also the ones with the most expensive ticket prices.
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A magnificent show, but also a competition

The carnival highlights Brazilian culture but there is also another important feature to know about. The parade is also a competition at the end of which a school is crowned the winner.
A jury evaluates the different schools according to different criteria such as rhythm, song and the suitability of the parade with the theme. Their scores determine the ranking of the show.
A lot of time, money and energy is spent throughout the year preparing for these few days of celebration. The schools parade for a little over an hour.

The different samba schools

Today there are about 70 samba schools. They bring together people who belong to the same neighbourhood. Some schools have existed for almost a hundred years, such as Deixa Falar, the oldest, created in 1928. Some schools are more famous than others, for example Imperatriz, Portela or Beija-Flor.
Each school has its own history and is represented by a slogan, colours and a symbol. The Portela school is recognisable by its eagle and its blue and white colours. Every year they choose a different theme and create the parade from all sides. From the music, to the choreography, to the floats and costumes, everything is staged by the school.
During the parade the 6 best schools compete to win the title of champion while the small samba schools aim to join the Special Group and join the larger schools.

Sumptuous decorated costumes and floats

Sumptuous decorated costumes and floats

Once the theme has been chosen, the carnavalesco (the professional in charge of designing the theme) is in charge of the artistic creations. The models for the costumes and carriages are developed over months and are true masterpieces.
Each wing of the parade wears a different costume which must be consistent with the chosen theme. The people on the float usually have the most beautiful and expensive costumes. The floats are gigantic and colourful, they are made from iron structures and various materials. About twenty metres long, they stride along the streets in very original forms one after the other.

A parade in harmony

Usually between 4,000 and 5,000 people march to represent their school. Each parade is divided into groups that follow one another. First there is the opening committee (comissao de frente), which is the group in charge of opening the parade of its school. Then, coordinated by the drummer, the drummer (bateria) brings together the percussionists, who are the ones who give rhythm to the carnival. They are noted on their coordination as they move forward in the parade. Not forgetting the queen of the drums at the front. But also the bahiana girls (baianas) with their dresses that twirl and the main dancers (passistas). Finally, accompanied by the master of ceremonies (mestre-sala), the flag bearer (porta-bandeira) is in charge of carrying the colours and the school flag loud and clear. This person has a very important role as he or she alone represents one of the notes of the jury.

The Queen

The Queen

Each school presents a queen of the drums whose role is to motivate its parade. Indeed, being placed at the front of the drums, she must transmit her energy to the public and to the parade. She is chosen by the school itself for her charisma and energy. A real event, it is eagerly awaited by the public who jostle to see it. Most of the time, the queen is a celebrity known to Brazilians, as an actress or TV star for example. Charismatic, her costume is remarkable, made of feathers and rhinestones, it is very imposing and can be worth thousands of euros. 
Other carnivals exist in Brazil in the cities of Salvador, Recife or Florianopolis but are less well known than the one in Rio de Janeiro. Tourists from all over the world come to see these shows, and accommodation prices rise during these periods.
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